Thursday, February 25, 2010

I once dreamt of a world
Where sensitivity engendered inhibitions
And hopes and dreams dashed to the ground
Purpose and meaning were sought
Through one night stands
And quick fixes on narcotics
Children wept till early morning
As they watched their parents willfully take
Their own lives
And parents watched as their children
Were raped, drugged, and forced into war
Where empty dreams and lost hope
Only bred more empty dreams and lost hope
I watched as greed and power motivated
Longing souls to kill, conquer, and destroy
I watched the deep longing in men and women
Never be quenched by more possessions
It was a world where selfishness only
Led to isolation
And the few lights still shining were slowly being dimmed by
Discouragement and temptation
I cried out and mourned for this
World that long ago closed their
Eyes and ears to the truth
I ached to tell them of how all of their
Efforts are futile when their search
Is only for self-satisfaction
If only they would listen
Their inhibitions could quickly fade
As their hopes and dreams are restored
Purpose would soon be found
By the One who dries every tear
Longings would be satisfied
By the light that can never dim
The light that heals all wounds
And mends the broken hearts
I cried out and screamed
With all the life within me
I awakened to find this was not a dream
But the terror-filled world that lives
With eyes wide shut
Was my world.

And it still couldn’t hear.

And still couldn’t see .
The light shining in

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